School Uniform

At Hucklow, we are very proud of our school uniform. 

We believe…

  • It enables us to promote a sense of pride in our school 
  • Our uniform creates a sense of community and belonging towards the school 
  • It is practical and smart 
  • Our uniform identifies the children within our school 
  • Wearing a uniform makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance

In light of this we have produced these clear guidelines for you about school uniform and PE kit, to enable your children to be ready for school and ready for learning at Hucklow.

At Hucklow Primary School our uniform consists of:

  • Navy blue cardigan/sweatshirt
  • White polo shirt
  • Black or grey skirt/trousers
  • Practical black shoes

School uniform can be ordered via the school office, orders are placed at the end of each half term, alternatively you are able to order uniform online. 

All Weather Clothing:

Breaktimes and lunchtimes will continue to be outdoors all year round. Please ensure your child is ‘weather ready’ by always ensuring they have suitable clothing with them at the start of the school day – e.g. coat, hat, gloves, scarf, sunhat, sun protection etc. 

P.E. Kit 

Children are able to attend school wearing their PE kit on their PE days. 

  • Navy blue cardigan/sweatshirt (standard school uniform)
  • White polo shirt  (standard school uniform)
  • Black jogging bottoms/leggings
  • Black trainers

PE sessions may continue to be outdoors all year round. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing with them, children are able to bring a black sweatshirt if deemed appropriate.

The below list does not qualify as school uniform at Hucklow Primary

  • Clothing with obvious branding
  • Jeans or tracksuit bottoms
  • Sandals, toe post shoes, croc style shoes, heeled footwear
  • Any form of make up, nail polish or nail extensions 
  • All jewellery – however, one pair of small stud earrings and a watch is allowed.

Please ensure that jewellery is not worn on PE days. 

Staff are not permitted to remove earrings.  

Personal Belongings 

Children should not be bringing personal items into school unnecessarily.  Please ensure all relevant personal items are clearly marked with your child’s name. The school and governors cannot accept responsibility for the loss or theft of personal items. 

Lost Property 

 If your child does misplace something whilst in school please contact the school office who will look into the matter further with you.

“Our vision is to provide an excellent primary education that gives our children the very best chance of succeeding in life.”

Cascade MAT